vulnerable part of community
and developmental services.
Social development of communities and empowering the Afghans particularly of women We accomplish our vision by quality service in the areas of health, education, and advocacy
UMCA/RPA’s vision is health society that is socially and economically empowered. health and educational facilites can achieve great positve outcome in lifestyle of impoverish families in underdeveloped regions
Core Values
✓ Transparency and Accountability
✓ Mutual respect
✓ Teamwork
✓ Passion
✓ Commitment
✓ Equity and justice
Our Services
Focus on women and children the most vulnerable part of community
Community based set-up for sustainable social and developmental services.
Affordability and effectiveness considering the poor socioeconomic infrastructure of Afghanistan
Decentralized system to target the most deprived, vulnerable and remote communiƟes through full parƟcipatory approach

Areas and Scope of Operation
Education/distributions of backpacks/teaching aid materials.
Maternal, Newborn child health
Sexual and Reproductive health for Adolescent and youth
Water and sanitation
Food insecurity
Capacity building/ trainings and education.
UMCA/RPA has a Board of Directors and Operatonal Management Team. The operational management team is led by Director, Deputy Director, Program/Project, Finance/Administrative Officer, Logistics officer and M&E, file clerk